Indiana | American Bus Association

Service Stops and Vendors in Indiana

The purpose of this page is to assist company owners and the executive management of the leading entertainer motorcoach companies in finding facilities and other bus operators where they can receive bus repairs, bus washing, restroom dumping and other related services.

Know Your Way to Service Facilities Around the State?

Lafayette, IN

Imperial Royal Tours Inc./Imperial Travel Services Inc.

Contact: Tom Downing, Maintenance Superviser
Phone: (765) 447-9321; Toll Free: (800) 642-6645; Night Phone: (765) 447-9321
Fax: (765) 448-4981
Address: 2150 Sagamore Parkway North, Lafayette, IN 47903
Services: Air Conditioning, Fuel, Minor Repairs,Restroom Dumping Service, Bus Washing Service, Road Service, Replacement Bus (if needed)
Payment: Major Credit Cards Accepted
Buses Serviced: Eagle, MCI, Prevost, Neoplan, Setra, TMC, Van Hool
Directions: I-65 to SR-38 E. to Sagamore Pky. (U.S. Hwy. 52) to Teal Rd. W. At first light, turn left onto S. 30th St. Approximately two blocks to Imperial Bus Garage, 2575 S. 30th St.

The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

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