Bus Industry Safety Council (BISC)

The Bus Industry Safety Council is comprised of security, mechanical, safety, operational and maintenance leaders from across the North American motorcoach industry. The group meets regularly to discuss issues and innovations in areas of safety, regulatory compliance, mechanics, technology and security.
BISC Elections
The online election is now open!
In preparation for the upcoming electronic BISC elections, nominations (and self-nominations) are going to be accepted for the following positions:
• BISC Vice Chair – 2-year term
• Workplace Health & Environmental Safety Committee Chair – 2-year term
• Human Performance Committee Chair – 2-year term
• Non-Builder Representative – 2-year term
If you are interested in being considered for any of these positions, please email bisc@buses.org with a statement of interest (2-3 sentences on why you want to serve), your bio/resume and head shot by COB on December 30, 2024.
Click here to view the candidates
Click here to vote in the election
BISC Events
BISC generally meets in-person twice per year (Winter and Summer), and has periodically added virtual events as well as expanded its in-person offerings through partnerships with the California Bus Association (BISC West) and the Greater Northeast Motorcoach Association (BISC East). Miss a meeting, download the meeting presentations here in our archived events.
Help us plan the BISC Summer Meeting for 2025
Take our Meeting Survey!
BISC Mission
The mission of the Bus Industry Safety Council is to continually raise the level of safety through the collaborative efforts of transportation safety professionals in a workshop and educational environment.
BISC Goals
Through education, knowledge, experience, and sharing of information, BISC will provide a platform for the continuance of garnered information for the passenger ground transportation industry.
BISC Communications
Through multiple communications channels including social media, and regular ABA publications, we publicize information to all members that further develops the foundation of our goals and mission.
Video: Welcome to BISC
Got a Question? Need a Mentor?
Visit the BISC Mentor Program Page
Sign up to be a BISC Mentor/Mentee | Upcoming BISC Meetings | Ask a Question
About BISC
Topic-Focused Committees
- Government Activities Review
- Human Performance
- Vehicle Technical Operations
- Workplace Health and Environmental Safety
- Security
Application and Other Helpful Links
BISC Safety Messaging Videos, CDs & Seatback Cards
Have an issue you would like to see the BISC discuss at our next meeting? Fill out an issue request form.
BISC in the News
Brandon Buchanan
Director of Regulatory Affairs