BISC Leadership and Committees

The membership of the BISC meets periodically at times and places set by the Executive Committee, generally twice per year (in January and June). Notice of the meeting and a proposed agenda are sent to the members in advance of the meeting. Meetings of the members may be in person or by electronic conference, as necessary.
Currently the BISC has six standing committees. The committees meet in conjunction with as well as between the two regular meetings, frequently via conference call, and are organized to be effective and collaborative working groups on the topics and issues facing the BISC and the motorcoach industry, with a special focus as described by subject matter.
- Executive Committee – the business of the BISC shall be governed by an Executive Committee. All matters involving any expenditure of money, external affairs, or statements of policy shall be subject to review and prior approval by the American Bus Association. The Executive Committee also coordinates the work flow and direction of the BISC Standing Committees.
- Government Activities Review Committee – Helps achieve industry consensus on regulatory safety issues. The committee will review industry recommendations and best practices to help achieve regulatory compliance.
- Human Performance Committee – Addresses all driver safety and health, performance, recruitment and retention issues, and best practices for bus company employees. The committee also evaluates currently available training materials and develops new training materials based on industry needs.
- Vehicle Technical Operations Committee – Addresses all aspects of vehicle engineering and maintenance and serves as a liaison with manufacturers of motorcoaches and component parts. The committee develops best practices for maintenance and creates other materials.
- Workplace Health and Environmental Safety Committee – Identifies, alerts, and advises membership to emerging regulatory issues and industry best practices to improve safety compliance and performance. The committee also reviews safety practices and available products in the bus and motorcoach industry, develops training and educational programs and materials on industry safety practices and regulatory issues, and fosters professionalism in providing safety services to the bus industry.
- Security Committee – Improves the security of the motorcoach industry by reviewing and improving existing programs and developing security-related industry outreach materials. The committee reviews preparedness, resiliency, mitigation, information-sharing, and response of the motorcoach industry to security threats.
Please click on the committee webpages to find out more about upcoming committee meetings, meeting takeaways, and minutes from past committee meetings.
Members of the BISC may participate in as many committees as they are interested in. To be added to a committee, please send an email to