2025 Winter BISC-BusMARC-IMG Meeting | American Bus Association

2025 Winter BISC-BusMARC-IMG Meeting

Meeting | Feb. 2-4, 2025 | 9 AM - 5:30 PM ET

Registration is now Open! 

This meeting will feature tons of safety and compliance education as well as a ton of networking opportunities. We will also be holding a multi-hour TSA-led cybersecurity exercise.

There will also be Marketplace Education Bites taking place on the networking floor with hosts of safety, compliance and maintenance vendors that will help you protect and grow your business.

The Bus Industry Safety Council is your forum to address the latest safety and compliance topics that affect motorcoach operations.

Download a 2025 Winter Meeting Registration Form

Register online

Housing Reservations:

Click here to secure your housing reservations.

Philadelphia Convention Center
1101 Arch St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Session Surveys:

Survey Link

Meeting Agenda:

Jan. 28, 20252:00 pmOrientation

This session will serve as a Orientation for the upcoming BISC & BusMARC Winter Meetings taking place in Philadelphia, PA February 2-4, 2025. An overview of each session will be provided and the BISC-BusMARC Mentor Program will be highlighted. We will also run through any last second updates and help prepare first time attendees for their first meeting. We will go over what you can expect, the format of the sessions, networking opportunities, and of course how to maximize your time.

View Recording
Jan. 31, 20251:00 – 5:30 pmIMG Maintenance & Safety Forum

Click here for more information
Feb. 1, 20258:30 am – 5:15 pmIMG Maintenance & Safety Forum

Click here for more information
Feb. 1, 20253:00 – 3:45 pmEducation Bite

Driver Recruiting, Compliance and Training: Using AI to Give a More Personal Touch

Presented by Scott Rea, Avatar Fleet

You have a small team, and everyone wears many hats. AI is taking over the world, but you know a handshake and a promise still mean something. You’ll learn the right times to use AI to automate the “have to” tasks so you have more time to invest in people.
Marketplace Networking Floor
Feb. 1, 20254:00 – 4:45 pmEducation Bite

The Use of Technology Through the Differing Eyes of the Industry and the Legal System

Presented by Mike McDonal, Saucon Technologies

Technology today provides more data than ever. How do you prioritize the data, manage the data and have the data tell the truest story of your business ? Learn how not only your employees but lawyers and investigators see your data and how to tell that story.
Marketplace Networking Floor
Feb. 2, 20257:45 – 8:45 amOperator Breakfast
9:00 – 10:30 amOpening General Session
* Session and Agenda Overview

Keynote Address & Super Session

Sponsored by National Interstate Insurance

“Navigating the Legal Labyrinth: Insights from the Panel on our Litigious Society”

Presented by Robyn Kazatsky, LockGordon Law Group and Roman Galas, Simon & Simon

Moderated by Tim Brewster, National Interstate Insurance

Join us for an insightful and dynamic session where you’ll hear from both defense and plaintiffs’ counsel on effective strategies to combat the challenges of our increasingly litigious society. This engaging session will provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the current legal landscape and offer practical guidance on how to protect their operations from potential legal pitfalls.

Session Survey
Room 119AB
10:00 – 10:15 am
Networking Break

Refreshments sponsored by: NIC Federal and Bridgestone America’s
10:00 – 10:45 amEducation Bite
Leveling Up Your Company’s Digital Experience to Drive Sales

Presented by Louis Bookoff, Busie

An actionable guide to competing in the digital world, increasing your sales velocity, and winning against online native competitors.
Marketplace Networking Floor
11 am – NoonSuper Session I:

TSA-CISA Cybersecurity Briefing & Game Exercise

TSA works with industry partners to assess and mitigate vulnerabilities and improve security through collaborative efforts including intelligence briefings, exercises, assessments, and on-site reviews. Through the Intermodal Security Training and Exercise Program (I-STEP), TSA provides the highway motor carrier community with exercises, training, and security planning tools to strengthen company security plans, policies, and procedures. This exercise is intended to build on the July 2024 experience.

This segment will feature an intelligence briefing

Click here to view the July Exercise After Action Report

Session Survey
Room 119AB
11 – 11:45 amEducation Bite

The Hidden Key to Combating Rising Insurance Costs and Nuclear Verdicts

Presented by James Blain, PAX Training

In this session, explore a proven yet often overlooked key to enhancing safety, reducing operational risks, and building a strong defense against rising insurance costs and nuclear verdicts. Walk away with actionable strategies you can implement today to protect your company, empower your team, and position your business for sustainable growth.
Marketplace Networking Floor
12 – 3 pmLunch
3 – 4 pmSuper Session II:

TSA-CISA Cybersecurity Briefing & Game Exercise

TSA works with industry partners to assess and mitigate vulnerabilities and improve security through collaborative efforts including intelligence briefings, exercises, assessments, and on-site reviews. Through the Intermodal Security Training and Exercise Program (I-STEP), TSA provides the highway motor carrier community with exercises, training, and security planning tools to strengthen company security plans, policies, and procedures. This exercise is intended to build on the July 2024 experience.

This segment will feature role playing.

Click here to view the July Exercise After Action Report

Session Survey
Room 119AB
3 – 3:45 pmEducation Bite

Talking About Bus Rollover Regulations and Upcoming Changes with Van Hool

Presented by Dany Landry, ABC Companies

Description: NHTSA recently finalized Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 227, “Bus rollover structural integrity,” to enhance the rollover structural integrity of over-the-road buses (motorcoaches), and other buses. The final rule requires buses to provide a “survival space” in a rollover to protect passengers from possible collapse of the bus structure around them. In addition, to reduce the likelihood of ejection, the final rule prohibits emergency exits from opening in a rollover. Bus roofs and side wall panels are also required to resist deformation and intrusion into the occupant space in rollover crashes and reduce the risk of emergency exits becoming ejection portals in a crash.

The presentation will also cover the latest developments with Van Hool following its acquisition by the VDL Groep.
Marketplace Networking Floor
4 – 4:30 pmNetworking Break

Refreshments sponsored by: NIC Federal and Bridgestone America’s
4 – 4:45 pmEducation Bite

How the Bus Industry Can Combat Human Trafficking

Presented by Lexi Higgins, Truckers Against Trafficking

Bus employees are uniquely positioned to play a role in combating human trafficking by recognizing and reporting potential cases. Learn more about the realities of human trafficking, hear real life examples of how the bus industry has joined the fight, and access free industry-specific resources.
Marketplace Networking Floor
4:30 – 5:30 pmCannabis in the Workplace: Drug & Alcohol Rules for Non-Driver Employees

Presented by Kimberlee Bissegger, Lancer Insurance Co.

Changing cannabis laws are driving a shift in labor and employment law and practices related to employee workplace drug policies and testing practices. The rapidly evolving landscape has left employers struggling to keep up as they review their own drug use policies in the context of workplace health and safety. This session will offer best practices and guidance on how employers can stay ahead of the curve in response to a quickly changing environment, particularly when so many non-driver employees also occupy safety sensitive positions.

Session Survey
Room 120B
4:30 – 5:30 pmCybersecurity for Transportation

Presented by Patrick Cullen, BDO USA

Why rob a bank when a criminal can steal far more while sitting in front of a computer? Beyond just money, the sensitive personal information of both employees and customers is attractive to the cyber thief. Additionally, remote work technologies like mobile devices have provided cyber criminals with new ways to disrupt business and steal what is yours. Every year millions become victims because they did not know how to protect themselves from cyber crime. By using examples of actual FBI cases, Patrick will reveal the ways you are vulnerable to a cyberattack, the current threats and how you can protect yourself.

Session Survey
Room 119AB
7 – 9:30 pmMarketplace 2025 All-Delegate EventAdventure Aquarium
Feb. 3, 20257:45 – 8:45 amOperator Breakfast
9:30 – 10:30 amSafety Director 101: Perfecting the Recipe for a Stronger Risk Management and Safety Plan

Presented by Jeff Shanker, Black Tie Transportation

Welcome to the next phase of building your safety program! In this session, we’re going beyond the basics and diving into real-world examples you can bring back and implement right away.

You’ll get hands-on materials, templates, and practical tools that will take your safety efforts to the next level. Whether you’re refining your current program or building from scratch, this session will give you the actionable resources you need to drive results. Let’s get to work!

Session Survey
Room 120B
9:30 – 10:30 amCrisis Ready: The Fundamentals of Effective Communication

Presented by Sean O’Leary and Jenny Wang, Susan Davis International

Did you know ABA provides crisis communications assistance as a member benefit? This session will provide an essential foundation in crisis communications tailored for the motorcoach, group tour, and travel industry. Participants will learn to identify potential crises, build a crisis communication plan, and maintain stakeholder trust during challenging situations. Discover best practices to protect your brand and ensure clear, calm messaging, from social media to media relations. Perfect for those new to the field or looking for a refresher on the basics.

* Learn the key components of a proactive crisis communication plan.

* Discover how to communicate effectively with stakeholders during emergencies.

* Click here for ABA Crisis Communications Templates

Session Survey
Room 120C
10 – 10:45 amEducation Bite

Motorcoach 101, Pt. 3: Component Scavenger Hunt w/ MCI

Presented by Dave Mailhot, Motor Coach Industries

Are you new to the industry or just looking to enhance your knowledge of motorcoaches? We have a series customized just for you! Join the Operations, Maintenance and Drivers Committee for a deep dive into the motorcoach world (four-part series): 

October’s webinar, Motorcoach 101, will start with the basics. Industry experts from MCI will teach us the fundamentals of the motorcoach and its features. This webinar is geared towards those looking to enhance their knowledge and help sell the motorcoach product whether it be for a tour or charter.  

January’s webinarMotorcoach Systems and Operations, will expand upon what you learned in October’s session. This webinar will dive into motorcoach systems and operations. 

February’s session will be an Education Bite at the MCI Booth at Marketplace. Bring your knowledge to life on the show floor at the MCI booth during our education bite.  

We will close out the series in the spring of 2025 with a View from the Driver’s Seat. This session will give insight into a day in the life of a driver. Covering DOT Requirements, driver’s cockpit areas, as well as pre- and post-trip inspections.  

After each session, you will be given an opportunity to test your understanding through MCI’s training exams customized for each webinar. Upon completion of all three webinars and exams you will receive a certificate. 
Marketplace Networking Floor
10:30 –
11 am
Networking Break

Refreshments sponsored by: NIC Federal and Bridgestone America’s
11 am – NoonSafety Director 101: The Intersection of Safety and Maintenance Compliance

Presented by Mike McDonal, Saucon Technologies

Have you integrated your maintenance personnel into driver training? Are maintenance personnel involved in your new coach purchases? The shop, driver and all aspects of your operation need to be in sync while your vehicles are out on the road and trouble arises. During this session, we will also discuss pre- and post-trip inspections and the clear communication required for both motorcoach operators and mechanics to ensure continued success in your operations, so that near misses don’t turn into crashes.

Session Survey
Room 119AB
11 am – NoonSafety Director 201: Shop Safety – Heat Illness Safety – Idling Safely

Presented by Sal Caccavale, Martz Group

Millions of U.S. workers are exposed to heat in their workplaces. Although illness from exposure to heat is preventable, every year, thousands become sick from occupational heat exposure, and some cases are fatal. For most outdoor fatalities, 50% to 70%, occur in the first few days of working in warm or hot environments because the body needs to build a tolerance to the heat gradually over time. The process of building tolerance is called heat acclimatization. Lack of acclimatization represents a major risk factor for fatal outcomes.

During this session find out some best practices to improve your responsiveness to heat illness, develop an injury prevention plan and better recognize hazards around your shop.

Session Survey
Room 120B
11 – Noon Live the Moment: Interactive Crisis Communications Simulation

Presented by Sean O’Leary and Jenny Wang, Susan Davis International

Step into the hot seat with this hands-on, interactive case study designed to test and enhance your crisis communication skills. Using a realistic industry scenario, participants will collaborate to navigate a developing crisis, draft timely messaging, and engage with stakeholders in real-time through a role-playing simulation.

This workshop emphasizes problem-solving and adaptability, giving you practical experience in managing high-pressure situations. It is perfect for those looking to sharpen their communication strategies through active participation. (Attendance at the 9:30 session is not required to participate.)

* Work through a realistic crisis scenario.

* Practice crafting timely, clear messaging under pressure.

Session Survey
Room 120C
11 – 11:45 amEducation Bite

Using Data & Technology to Improve Operations

Presented by Ben O’Day, Initek Consulting and Evan Anderson, Anderson Tour & Travel

This session will help educate attendees on how to use data from existing systems to enhance operations through integration and automation. We will cover some real world examples such as combining telematics and booking data, using data in real-time and analyzing historical data to provide clear business and operational value.
Marketplace Networking Floor
Noon – 3 pmLunch
3 – 4 pmEducation Bite

Have a Seat with Amaya!

Presented by Jeff Goldwasser, Amaya Astron Seating

Now that we are a few years into seatbelts being required on motorcoaches, let’s take some time to review our performance to date and best practices when it comes to maintaining the seat belt safety system and the seats. We’ll also talk about preventative maintenance practices and common breakdowns. Find out what now selections and options that Amaya Astron will have available in 2025.
Marketplace Networking Floor
3 – 4 pmUnderstanding Important New York Regulations, Learn More About New York’s Congestion Pricing & Upcoming Seatbelt Regulations

Presented by Patrick Condren, Bus4NYC, Glenn Every, Bus Association of New York and Matt Daus, Windels Marx

Find out all about what is going on with New York City’s congestion pricing policies, who is exempt, what bus operators are required to pay and how to comply.

In addition, New York State has adopted a new seat belt law that requires passengers traveling on “charter buses” (defined as those manufactured on or after November 28, 2016), to comply as follows:
* Passengers aged 16 and older must be restrained by a safety belt.
* Passengers aged 8 to 16 must be restrained by a safety belt, however a summons can only be issued to that passenger’s parent or guardian and only if the parent or guardian is present.
* Passengers under 8 are already required to be restrained by an appropriate child restraint system as was set forth in Section 1229-c of the Vehicle & Traffic Law prior to passage of the new law. 
The new law places responsibility for compliance on the passenger, not the driver or operator. Passengers face fines of up to $50 for violations.

This session will be focused on everything New York!

BANY Seatbelt Law Handout

Session Survey
Room 120B
3 – 4 pmEmergency Operations: Preparing Your Facility to Comply with Fire Safety Regulations

Presented by Jack Kaufman, Timi’s Tours

To prepare your facility for fire safety compliance, you should conduct a thorough risk assessment, install appropriate fire detection and fire suppression systems, develop and implement a comprehensive fire safety plan including evacuation procedures, regularly train employees on fire safety protocols, and perform routine inspections and maintenance of all fire safety equipment.

When it comes to facility safety, many motorcoach companies limit themselves to only thinking about OSHA compliance. There is more to being a safe facility, find out what else you can do from an emergency operations professional.
Room 119AB
3 – 4 pmOEM Round Table: 2027 Emissions and Beyond

Presented by a Panel: MCI, Prevost, ABC Companies, Temsa

The EPA recently finalized new, stronger standards to reduce pollution from heavy-duty vehicles and engines starting in model year 2027 by reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from heavy-duty gasoline and diesel engines. 

They also were codifying some targeted provisions to help ensure that CMV owners can efficiently maintain emissions performance over the operational life of the engine, including: enhanced communication with operators, updated diagnostic requirements, a revised inducement (engine de-rate) policy for SCR-based after treatment systems, and improved access to service information.

At the same time, the California Air Resources Board has also recently finalized some new emissions regulations. Some of those regulations, when paired with recent waivers CARB has secured from the EPA could have wide ranging effects in a state near year.

Learn more about what the manufacturers are doing to comply and how it will impact their vehicle offerings in the next few years.
Room 120C
4 – 4:45 pmEducation Bite

Introducing Prevost-PRO: Your Personalized E-Commerce Solution

Presented by Robert Hitt, Prevost

Join us for an informative seminar on Prevost PRO, Prevost’s new eCommerce site that brings you personalized pricing and enhanced features. We will explore stock availability, product images, and the quick order process that saves you time. Additionally, learn how to look-up order and invoice history, estimating rush shipments, and taking advantage of our 2% discount for online orders. Discover how Prevost PRO can meet your needs efficiently!
Marketplace Networking Floor
4 – 4:15 pmNetworking Break

Refreshments sponsored by: NIC Federal and Bridgestone America’s
4:15 – 5:30 pmClosing General Session – BISC Awards, BISC Election Results & Mock Deposition Super Session

Presented by Harold Moroknek and Scott Taffet, Marshall Dennehey


It is like our companies worst nightmare, “the big one”, having an incident involving an injury which ends up going to court for the jury to decide our fate. While some of us may have experienced the litigation process, many have not.

Within our companies, associations, networking events, sales processes, we all strive for “best practices” and operating in a prudent manner for our passengers. In our various roles, we all have many responsibilities and want to ensure that we practice what we say we are going to do, however what happens if we don’t?

But before we get to trial, there is another step in the legal process, many are often unprepared for – depositions and discovery.

Join us for some mock depositions to witness firsthand how your preparation for these preliminary questions and by developing (or not) your company processes, greatly impact the outcome of a court case. Join us for a bonus training session as our experts provide further information and insights on various methods that could be used to help you navigate the entire process.
Room 119AB
7 pmDinner on Your Own
9 pm – MidnightABA Foundation Afterglow Party

Ticket Information
Hard Rock Cafe
Feb. 4, 20257:45 – 8:45 amOperator Breakfast
BusMARC Off-Site Vists
8:30 amBus loading will begin

Complimentary Bus Transportation Provided Courtesy of Starr Tours
9:30 – 11:15 amBusMARC Site Visit #1: Starr Tours

2531 E State St.
Trenton, NJ 08619

* Facility Tour & Operational Discussion
* Educational Session:
10 – 10:45 amEducation Bite

Motorcoach Parking Updates for Washington DC

Presented by Jennifer Rouse & LaJuana Jones, Union Station Parking Garage and Lindsay Hill, Destination DC

Washington, DC is one of the biggest motorcoach destinations in the US! They are excited and ready to welcome your groups for the Spring 2025 season! In advance of the busy spring tour season, find out what is going on with bus parking in DC and what you can expect on your next visit to our Nation’s Capitol.
Marketplace Networking Floor
Noon – 2:45 pmBusMARC Site Visit #2: Motor Coach Industries Blackwood Service Center

14 Harmon Dr.
Blackwood, NJ 08012

* Facility Tour & Operational Discussion
* Educational Session:

Lunch Provided Courtesy of MCI
3:30 – 4:15 pmBusMARC Site Visit #3: David Thomas Tours

14005 McNulty Rd
Philadelphia, PA 19154

* Facility Tour & Operational Discussion
* Setting Up a Brand New Shop Facility
* Q &A and Wrap Up
4:15 pmReturn to Philadelphia Convention Center

Registration is closed for this event

The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

© 2011 - 2025 American Bus Association