BISC 2020 Virtual Summer Education Series

Webinar |June 9-July 31, 2020
Recharge Your Safety Program with BISC, As Motorcoaches Restart
COVID-19 has challenged the bus and motorcoach industry. But we have been tested many times before. Each time, we’ve proved our resiliency, bouncing back. Because when people get together, even virtually, things get done.
Our in-person summer Bus Industry Safety Council (BISC) meetings were cancelled, so in response we have put together an entire summer of safety and COVID-19 response related education sessions. Each week, you can look forward to webinar sessions that will help you prepare to get back on the road.
The Bus Industry Safety Council is your forum to address the latest safety and compliance topics that affect motorcoach operations.
For this summer education series, no single registration is required and there are no fees to participate and for some sessions you will even receive a certification! All sessions are offered al a carte.
Education Schedule:
Tuesday, June 9 |
11 am | “Qualifying Your Drivers, Utilizing the Pre-Employment Screening Program”
Speaker: Yvonne Glover With our world being turned upside down by the global COVID-19 pandemic, it is time to get back on the road and hopefully hiring or re-hiring drivers to help get your businesses moving again. The Pre-employment Screening Program (PSP) can be a great tool to help you get those new drivers ready to get back on the road. This session will offer you some education on what PSP is, how carriers and drivers can access the data, and answer lots of the questions that you may have as you restart operations and resuming your driver qualification activities. Also, did you know, an FMCSA study has showed that motor carriers using PSP to screen new hires lowered their crash rate by 8% and out-of-service rates by 17%, on average, compared to those that do not use PSP. |
1:30 p.m. |
“The Show Must Go On, Preparing for Compliance and Resumption of Motorcoach Operations Post-COVID-19” Speaker: Mike McDonal Following the dramatic and extensive impacts on the motorcoach industry as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, time is nearing where motorcoaches can get back on the road and back to business. As we prepare to operate in this new reality, ensuring that your safety and compliance program is prepped and ready to go is essential. With the assistance of the peer-to-peer sharing of our lauded industry experts, let BISC help show you the way! |
Thursday, June 11 |
11 a.m. |
“Maintenance Checklist: Getting Your Buses Ready to Get Back on the Road” Speaker: Dany Landry Your buses have been sitting idle throughout the pandemic, but now its time to restart your operations. What are some things that you should be thinking about maintenance-wise as you start to ramp up to full operations again? This session will take you through some good maintenance best practices as well as help you to adopt some new ideas to help you cope in this post-COVID-19 reality. As we begin to restart things again, we don't want to see you stuck with any maintenance problems at the side of the road. |
3 p.m. |
“Liability in the Day of COVID-19” Speaker: Michelle Wiltgen As our world starts to restart Post-COVID-19, there are a number of things to think about before you get back on the road. Most principally is insurance. As we prepare to operate in this new reality, there are a number of compelling questions that you must consider for your passengers and your employees before you get going. What are some key questions to ask your staff and your insurance provider to help minimize any potential claims? With the assistance of the peer-to-peer sharing of our lauded industry experts, let BISC help show you the way! |
Tuesday, June 16 |
11 a.m. | “Understanding the New TSA Training Rule for the Motorcoach Industry & Other Available Security Resources”
Speaker: David Cooper On May 1, TSA published a notice extending the implementation of its security training final rule. The rule requires higher-risk surface transportation providers to provide security training for certain employees. The extension delays the effective date and the related compliance deadlines at least 3 months due to the COVid-19 pandemic, with the possibility for a longer delay after further assessment. In addition to other surface modes, the rule applies to certain over-the-road buses (specifically those fixed route and commuter operators providing service to New York City, DC, Chicago, LA, Houston, Newark, San Francisco, Boston, San Diego, and Philadelphia). Compliance with the rule will be instituted in stages. TSA has already created and maintained several free security training programs for the motorcoach industry. During this session, find out more about the rule and some available security resources. |
2 p.m. |
“Storm Water Runoff Compliance” Speaker: Dave Bolen & Jeff Petrunek Storm water management is the effort to reduce runoff of rainwater or melted snow into streets, lawns and other sites and the improvement of water quality, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). When storm water is absorbed into the soil, it is filtered and ultimately replenishes aquifers or flows into streams and rivers. However, when heavy rainwater hits, ground saturated by water creates excess moisture that runs across the surface and into storm sewers and road ditches. This water often carries debris, chemicals, bacteria, eroded soil, and other pollutants, and carries them into streams, rivers, lakes, or wetlands. In urban and developed areas, impervious surfaces such as pavement and roofs prevent precipitation from naturally soaking into the ground. Instead, water runs rapidly into storm drains, sewer systems and drainage ditches and can cause flooding, erosion, turbidity (or muddiness), storm and sanitary sewer system overflow, and infrastructure damage. However, storm water design and “green infrastructure” capture and reuse storm water to maintain or restore natural hydrologies. Find out more about how to detain storm water, detect and remove pollutants, and get a preview of potential changes to this type of compliance that could be coming down the road. |
Thursday, June 18 |
11 a.m. | “A Review of FEMA's Motorcoach Security Risk Assessment Tool”
Speaker: Kerry Thomas Motorcoach operators face a variety of security risks on a daily basis due to our precious cargo, flexible operational profiles and diverse operating environments. As a result of the annual intercity bus security grants, more and more operators are developing security plans and doing security assessments, but evaluating risk and quantifying that risk could be the missing link in our industry’s security preparedness. This session will preview a new tool to help you better evaluate the security profile of your operations. |
Tuesday, June 23 |
11 a.m. |
“ABA Government Affairs Update: What ABA is doing to Assist the Industry in Recovering from COVID-19” Speaker: Suzanne Rohde The American Bus Association continues to work with Congress and a host of federal agencies and tourism partners including the Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Transportation Security Administration, American Public Transportation Association, US Travel Association and others to keep our members updated with the most current information regarding the current situation related to infectious diseases, its impacts and resources available to you on the road to recovery. |
2 p.m. |
“A Discussion of Railroad Grade Crossing Safety” Speaker: Rachel Mehle A highway-railroad grade crossing is an intersection where a roadway crosses railroad tracks at the same level or grade. Such crossings may be encountered on both public and private roads. There are more than 250,000 such crossings in the U.S. Although the highway safety picture has improved considerably over the last decade, people are killed every year and many more are injured at grade crossings. Of the more than highway-rail grade crossing incidents annually, around 500 involve commercial motor vehicles. This translates to an average of about 10 per week. Although collisions involving buses at grade crossings are infrequent, results of such incidents can be tragic as was seen in recent years in a fatal collission in Biloxi, MS. Since 1972, OLI remains committed to preventing collisions, injuries and fatalities on and around railroad tracks and highway-rail grade crossings, with the support of public education programs in states across the U.S. Learn about some tools and resources to help you avoid the next motorcoach accident at a grade crossing. |
Thursday, June 25 |
11 a.m. |
“A Look at Advanced Driver Assistance Systems” Speaker: Panel Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are the wave of the future. While many of these systems are becoming standard on new motorcoaches, they are all steps in the next phase of evolution as we move towards adding elements of automation to motorcoaches. This session will focus on some of these new elements of automation and specifically forward collision avoidance systems, find out what iterations of these systems are on the market and can help your operations, how to maintain them, and any planned future developments from each of the manufacturers. |
1 p.m. |
“DOT Reasonable Suspicion Drug & Alcohol Training” Speaker: Dawn Quintiliano DOT Reasonable Suspicion Training is required under federal law and mandates that certain employers involved in transportation-related fields train their supervisors in identifying the signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol use and abuse. DOT Reasonable Suspicion Training for supervisors is required for all personnel who manage one or more safety-sensitive employees covered by one or more federal regulation.Commercial motor vehicle operators, airlines, railways, and transit organizations are among those commonly required to train their supervisors in reasonable suspicion determinations. This session will be a 2-hour extended session. All participants in this session will receive a training certificate. Click here to view the recorded session Download the Presentation Download Reasonable Suspicion Form Download Drug & Alcohol Brochure Download Commonly Used Drugs Chart |
Tuesday, June 30 |
11 a.m. | “The Motorcoach Industry’s Guide to Post-Pandemic Cleanliness and Safety Protocol: A Report by the ABA Pandemic Task Force”
Speaker: Melanie Hinton The COVID-19 pandemic crippled the bus industry within days. At first no one wanted to travel and risk getting ill and then it quickly became no one was allowed to travel to help flatten the curve. Nearly 36,000 buses were brought to a standstill. After nearly four months of waiting for the United States to open again, the industry needed to be ready to welcome back passengers. These passengers are desperate to travel again but they want to ensure they are traveling safely, not just with good driving and safe vehicles, but now with clean, disinfected vehicles so their chance of catching anything is minimal. Safety has always been our industry’s number one priority. We are the safest and greenest mode of transportation. ABA brought together a Task Force of industry peers to discuss and recommend best practices and protocols for the industry when buses are running again. This document covers Employee Protections, Bus Maintenance and Cleaning, Remote Travel Protocols, Emergency Evacuation Protocols, Customer Care, and Public Relations. |
2 p.m. |
“Q&A with the Small Business Administration on COVID-19 Relief Opportunities” Speaker: Nirav “Nick” Rajpara Capital is the lifeline of any businesses, but especially small businesses. Most entrepreneurs cannot start new businesses or grow their existing companies or recover from the COVID-19 pandemic without adequate financing. To assist small businesses in that capacity, we are hosting a webinar in collaboration with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to provide an overview of available programs. This session is being rescheduled to a later date due to pending changes with the PPP program. |
Thursday, July 2 |
11 a.m. |
“FMCSA Update” Speaker: Loretta Bitner In this session, get a sense of what new regulations the Agency has put in place in 2020, as well as the steps they have taken in response to the COViD-19 pandemic and get an opportunity to directly address our regulators as they set out the top priorities for the Agency for the remainder of this year. During this session there will be many items to review, from the implementation of the drug & alcohol clearinghouse, delay of entry level driver training, to the compliance with the revised lease and interchange rule, and many other items. Stay up to date on the future direction of our industry’s enforcement directly from our regulatory. |
3 p.m.. |
“Improving and Preserving the Mental Health of Drivers” Speaker: Norman Winegar and Jeffery Joo Drivers are a critical resource to all motorcoach companies. America depends on the motorcoach industry to provide essential transportation services despite the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Even in normal times, commercial driving can be taxing on driver’s physical and mental health. Add the impacts of COVID-19 – fear of contagion, closed restaurants, limited availability of restrooms and showers – and the toll on drivers’ health is substantial. Espyr’s Fit to Pass is a customized coaching program designed to improve the health of professional drivers and help them meet the physical requirements of the DOT recertification exam. iResolve is a tele-mental health solution that provides immediate support for driver mental health and work-life related issues. Drivers and their family members can speak with an Espyr mental health professional without an appointment and without waiting. Learn more about what you as a company safety manager can do to help support your driver's mental health and improve their productivity and retention. |
July Extended BISC Education Sessions |
Tuesday, July 14 |
11 am | July Extended BISC Education Sessions
“Getting Your Tires Ready to Roll Again After a Coronavirus Hiatus, Tire Maintenance Tips” Speaker: Brad York With much of America’s motorcoach operations grounded for the past several months during the COVID-19 outbreak, fleet managers are eager to get back to work. But what does that look like in a world where buses have been sitting idle for 90-days or more? Fleet management software systems that ensure vehicle efficiency, compliance, maintenance and safety are built to mainly monitor a fleet that is in motion – not one that is grounded. As the nation reopens from the coronavirus lock down, fleets need to move forward with a fresh outlook and new focus on maintenance standards. During this session, we will look into tire maintenance best practices. How to adjust for anticipated air leakage, potential sidewall deterioration, any rebalancing or reseating recommendations. |
Thursday, July 16 |
11 am |
July Extended BISC Education Sessions “Another Look at Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Advanced Technology in Action” Speaker: Nate Mumm & Spencer Schiefelbein Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are the wave of the future. While many of these systems are becoming standard on new motorcoaches, they are all steps in the next phase of evolution as we move towards adding elements of automation to motorcoaches. This session will focus on some of these new elements of automation and specifically forward collision avoidance systems, find out what iterations of these systems are on the market and can help your operations, how to maintain them, and any planned future developments from each of the manufacturers. |
Tuesday, July 21 |
11 am |
July Extended BISC Education Sessions BusMARC Education Session |
2 pm |
July Extended BISC Education Sessions “Digital Forms: Go Paperless to Save Time & Money While Meeting Your Compliance Needs” Speaker: Trisha Fridrich COVID-19 has added another layer of compliance and liability to already complex operations. Your budget is tight, your team is lean and now you need to do … more? Help your team do what they do best by giving them the right tools. Save time and money by having technology handle your paperwork through digital forms. It’s easy, efficient and compliant. You don’t need an IT department to make it happen and it can be completely customized for your operation. Hear from a former bus operator turned technology nerd as The L&W Team shares how digital forms can help you efficiently navigate returning to the road in a post-pandemic world. Tune in LIVE for the chance to win a new Android tablet! We’ll show you how you can easily: |
Thursday, July 23 |
11 am |
July Extended BISC Education Sessions “COVID-19: OSHA Recordkeeping, Labor Laws and Legal Updates” Speaker: Jill Nagy & Jeff Petrunek We are all adjusting to the significant impact of COVID-19 in the workplace and the regulatory requirements to ensure the safety and health of our employees and customers. In this session, we will review OSHA recordkeeping requirements as it relates to COVID-19 as well as discuss COVID-19 laws and legal updates and trends facing the industry in the coming months. |
Tuesday, July 28 |
11 am | |
2 pm |
July Extended BISC Education Sessions “DOD Defense Travel Management Office Military Bus Program Presentation” Speaker: Donna Johnson The New DoD Bus Agreement #5 has been released and is in effect. All carriers, including current DoD-approved carriers, must apply for the new DoD Bus Agreement #5. This webinar will go through the new agreement as well as other changes to the program. As part of the new agreement, carriers will also be required to register for the U.S. Transportation Command's Group Operational Passenger System (GOPAX). To view the new agreement and check out additional details, please visit |
Thursday, July 30 |
11 am | |
July 7-31 | BusMARC Maintenance Education Sessions |